A company named Zuzance is seeking funding via KickStarter to produce Hoodies and an armband with NFC Tags embedded in them. Just like any NFC Tags these could be programmed to trigger events on your phone. Of course, they would only be effective when the item of clothing is being worn so I'm not sure I see the overall benefit of this unless you plan on wearing the same shirt everyday forever. But I guess you could buy three and just rotate between them. The armband is more practical but then again is also not so novel since many companies are producing NFC wrist bands and rings now. Would you invest in NFC Clothing? If so, then head over to KickStarter and contribute now! Zuzance KickStarter Link
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Recently a customer contacted me because their NFC Tags were not working and after some testing they found that the Qi Wireless Charging add on they had added to the back of their phone was interfering with the NFC feature. Since I don't use Wireless charging myself, I had to do some digging, but quickly found that the answer is SOME Qi Receivers which you add to the back of the phone WILL interfere while others are specially built to NOT interfere with the NFC. So if you're wanting to add wireless charging to your S4 or other device AND use NFC Tags, be sure to purchase a wireless receiver that specifies it is built to not interfere with the NFC capability. You also might want to read reviews and opinions of others to make sure it works as advertised. And in case you're wondering, you definitely can not put an NFC sticker on your wireless charging base and have it work, though I believe there are some wireless charging bases that have NFC built into them to trigger something on your phone, which is really cool. According to an article by NFC World, new Mini Cooper owners can opt to have an NFC Key Cap like the one pictured here with their car. It has an NTAG203 Chip built in to it so you can use it to trigger tasks on your phone. This makes it convenient to use when you're entering or exiting your car. It's great to see a company like Mini embracing NFC. Of course, even if you aren't planning on buying a Mini anytime soon, you can always attach an AndyTags Key Chain which as the same NTAG203 chip to your current car's key fob for the same effect! Full article on NFC World HERE. I'm not sure how practical this is for everyday consumer use, but it could have some cool implications. At any rate, Fujitsu did come up with a great new concept to be used in possibly factories or even hospitals and kudos to them for thinking out of the box with NFC. The device not only senses touches via NFC, but also gestures. While I'm sure they are thinking of more productive uses for it, I'm thinking it could make for a cool control for my Micro Drone! What do you think? Read the full article about this device on NFC World HERE. Apparently Wells Fargo is offering it's customers an incentive to use the NFC based tap and pay system Isis. The offer is reportedly 20% off purchases and a one time $20 statement credit. Not bad! Even if you're mad at Isis for being partly to blame for Google Wallet not being the universal solution it could and should have been, there's no reason NOT to take advantage of this offer at least. You can always uninstall Isis once you get your credit! Get the Isis App on Google Play HERE. Find out more about the promotion on the special Wells Fargo ISIS Promo Page. NFC World reports that a recent patent application from Apple shows the potential for NFC in the device, though the patent seems to be centered more around mobile payments and doesn't give any information about whether the NFC would be usable for other stuff. Of course, Apple likes to lock things down so it could be possible to have an NFC chip in an iPhone and have be useless for anything other than payments, but here's hoping they see that their customers might enjoy using NFC Tags to automate things or share information as well. Generally speaking, when something comes to iPhone it becomes "mainstream". Do you think NFC in the iPhone 6 will finally make NFC something the average person knows about and uses? Read the full NFC World article HERE. According to an article on NFC World, the smart home company Allure has developed a smart home sensor that uses NFC and BLE to sense when you are home and/or in a particular room. You can program these sensors so that when you enter the room your desired temperature for your HVAC system is set. Pretty cool! Read the full article on NFC World HERE. According to a news article on NFC World, Google paired with a start up company called Simply Tapp to create a way for anyone on any phone to use NFC Payments (and other super groovy NFC features) without the need for provisioned secure element built into the device and therefore no need to get permission from greedy wireless carriers like Verizon. I've been wanting to use Google Wallet on my phone to pay for stuff for a long time but since I'm with Verizon, they disable that feature for some bogus reason that really boils down to them wanting you to use the service they signed a contract with (which by the way has horrible reviews in the play store). I'm glad Google doesn't back down from these kind of fights! Can't wait to get my next phone which will undoubtedly have KitKat so I can finally use Google Wallet Payments. Click to read original article on NFC World.
If there is one thing we all have with us all of the time, it's our driver's license. Now imagine that Driver's license having TWO NFC Chips inside of it - one would be for official use by police, government officials, and the like and would contain your identification information. The other one, however, would be open and could be programmed by you! This second one could be used to unlock your car or store your insurance information so you don't have to worry about carrying around a separate insurance card. According to NFCworld.com, France is going to start issuing these type of licenses soon. I think it's a great idea and hope the U.S. picks up on this! What do you think? |
Eric Wrye of AndyTagsEric is the founder of AndyTags and the designer behind all of the tags available on the site. He also has an Android App Video review channel and an app or two on Google Play he created himself. Archives
June 2019