MiFare Classic NFC Tags - The Beginning of NFC
In many ways, the MiFare Classic tags are responsible for kicking off the NFC Revolution. Developed by NXP along with their proprietary hardward to read the tags, the MiFare Classic Tags were the first NFC Tags to be marketed to everyday mobile phone users for use with their device. The Samsung Galaxy S3 phone was one of the first phones to not only contain NXP's NFC Hardware, but to promote using MiFare Classic chips which were embedded in what Samsung called TecTiles. But eventually other companies started to develop their own NFC Hardware which was more aligned with the NFC standard. Because MiFare Classic tags worked only with NXP's hardware, they eventually became obsolete. (You can read more about this in under About NFC Tags - Compatibility Issue.) NXP is still one of the leading innovators in the NFC world and now makes many of the top "universal" NFC Tags. Anytime you see an NFC Tag that starts with "NTAG", it is manufactured by NXP and is a "universal" tag that will work with any phone or device that supports NFC.